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The Industry Experts


We are the UK’s leading provider of personal injury advice, services and support.

At Direct Helpline, we are proud of our reputation. We are committed to helping you seek the injury compensation you deserve. We do this by supporting and guiding you through the process of making a personal injury claim, and by giving free, impartial advice.

No Win, No Fee* Promise

If we don’t win your case, you don’t pay any legal fees.

The government introduced No Win, No Fee* agreements in 1995, as a way of making sure everyone has affordable access to any compensation they’re legally entitled to if they’re injured in an accident.

There are strict rules in place regulating how we manage No Win No Fee* cases. These are designed to protect you, and your solicitor will give you a realistic, honest assessment of your chances of success.

Why Direct Helpline is different

We work with a panel of solicitors which specialise in personal injury claims. If you have suffered as a result of an incident and require advice on how to make a car accident injury claim including whiplash claims or an injury at work claim, we’re here to help.

No Win, No Fee* Injury Claim

Injury cases are conducted on a No Win, No Fee* basis. With no financial risk to you, we can help you receive the compensation you deserve.


Claim with Confidence

Our broad knowledge and extensive experience of different types of personal injury claims means that we can support you through your claims payout procedure.

Wealth of Experience

We work with a panel of solicitors with over 10 years’ experience, and our in-depth understanding of the claims process means we’re in the best place to handle your personal injury claim.

Free Claim Eligibility Check

Your personal injury claim eligibility check is free, impartial and confidential. Our experienced dedicated team are available to answer your questions before referring you to one of our panel of solicitors.

Can I Claim

With years of accident know-how, our panel of solicitors and trained staff will listen to what you have to say and let you know whether or no we can help you on a no win, no fee* basis.

No Hidden Fees

We value transparency, accuracy and honesty. There are no upfront admin or legal fees to pay.

Injured in a traffic accident?

Whether you’re looking for friendly advice or are ready to make a personal injury claim, our team of experts will support you throughout the entire process.

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Excellent service

I was very impressed at the way my enquiry was treated. I was listened to attentively and everything I needed to know was explained to me.

Jane Parker


Very helpful organisation

The calmness and openness displayed by the person I spoke to was everything that I wanted and more. What a welcome relief to find real empathy.

David Palmer

Success Stories

Learn more from these related featured articles.

Mum who suffered brain injury while ‘tram surfing’ is awarded £485,000 compo – even though she admits it was HER fault.


Driver paid £5k in compensation for whiplash caused by a POTHOLE.


Paralympian's pothole injury as thousands claim compensation.


Compensation payments to injured teachers top £450,000 in a year.